Did You Know?
Promising news from CMS
Numerous news feeds are reporting CMS is loosening regulations on telemedicine and increasing reimbursements for audio-only telephone consults to match payments for office and outpatient visits. Some great news to read about during these surreal times. Read more here
Video conferencing and the new ettiquette
Let’s face it, video conferencing has been around for some time now and it’s here to stay. Many of us have shied away from the medium for reasons like, “oh my hair is out of control” or “it looks like I live in a cave”. Yes, we’ve all used those excuses but we find ourselves […]
Keeping Balance While Working From Home
So many of us have moved to at-home status during this unique COVID-19 crisis. As a result, adapting to these game-changing times can be overwhelming, challenging and daunting but also manageable. We have all had to quickly adjust to our new everyday environment and there are some very simple actions that we can put into […]
Here to Help- A Message from GRANT & WEBER
Friends and Colleagues, we are at a critical point. The question is, how will we support each other and how quickly can we pivot to respond to this pandemic? For the past 40 years, we have been in the business of revenue recovery in healthcare. We have an established call center that is focused on […]
Open Enrollment for 2018 Health Insurance
Open enrollment is the time period each year when you’re allowed to start, stop or change your health insurance plan. Normally, you sign up around the end of one calendar year for coverage that lasts the next full year. Many of these rules could change in the future, but the Affordable Care Act is in […]
100K Is Just the Beginning
Its summer time and vacations are in full swing with many of you taking to the roads. You’ve checked Google Maps, overnight accommodations, prices for entertainment, but have you checked your vehicle for the trip? Many of us are taking to the skies for our summer vacation destinations, but for many of us, our wheels […]
Single Use Straws – Time for a Better Way
Remember when styrofoam was the topic of environmental disaster? Plastic straws are stealing the press these days. Soda fountain ads from the past were adorable, as adults and children alike sipped refreshing beverages from a plastic straw. Truly a fairy tale image, but what happens when the fairy tale is done and the soda gone? That […]
Youth and Homelessness in Los Angeles
The homeless epidemic in Los Angeles and cities across the United States is a current hot button issue, where the debate and differing opinions about how best to work towards a solution continue to rule the headlines. Many people have the perception that the homeless population is made up of deadbeats who developed a drug […]
Homeless, Not Hopeless Los Angeles in Crisis
After a recent trip to Downtown Los Angeles, I came face to face with a crisis that I had been hearing grumblings of for a few months prior. Coming from Torrance, a south bay city about 20 south of Los Angeles, I was blissfully unaware of the severity of the homeless crisis taking place in […]
Providers Leaving Money on the Table
Changes in the insurance industry are having a trickle down effect on providers’ financial stability. Patients are taking on more financial burden when it comes to healthcare costs, and providers are falling short when it comes to collecting from their patients. As an established company in the healthcare collections industry with years of experience under […]
Financial Services
GRANT & WEBER has developed effective third party practices for handling credit union late stage delinquent accounts that have yielded above average national results. In today’s difficult economy, our agency has made improvements to our collection methods, designed to provide more intelligent collection practices.
Healthcare Services
GRANT & WEBER is a nationwide Revenue Solutions and Receivables Management corporation which has proudly served our business partners since 1977. With over 35 years of experience, GRANT & WEBER has established a reputation as a leading authority in the healthcare industry for all revenue solution services.