Video conferencing and the new ettiquette

Let’s face it, video conferencing has been around for some time now and it’s here to stay. Many of us have shied away from the medium for reasons like, “oh my hair is out of control” or “it looks like I live in a cave”. Yes, we’ve all used those excuses but we find ourselves now cast right in the middle of the medium. Virtual rooms are filled with details into our everyday lives and they also provide the opportunity to revisit basic etiquette even from the comforts of our own home offices.

Remember, the camera never lies. So here’s a nifty article that helps explain one person’s point of view on the effects of being thrust into the video conferencing realm. This surreal moment in our history has taken how we have traditionally met (Conference Room A) and changed it up. So let’s take advantage of it, take your time to actively watch, listen and interact with the other participants. Leave those cameras on and try not to mute. People want to see and hear from you. I, for one, want to maintain that connection as if you were right across that table about to grab one of those cookies someone brought in from the local bakery and snatch it out of my sanitized/gloved hand!

Thank you Ross McCammon for penning this insightful and honest moment in our time. And, thank you Forge Medium for bringing his voice to the readers! Read the original article here.