The Heart Attack Triggers We Don’t Hear About

Heart attacks are a common health subject today and it is general knowledge of the major causes. These causes are obesity, lack of exercise, high blood pressure, stress and smoking, but did you know that there are less common factors that can put you at heart attack risk.

Daylight Savings Time doesn’t just mess up your sleep. The disturbance to your body clock also seems to cause cardiac stress. Research has shown that there is a 25 percent increase of the number of heart attacks on the Monday we ‘spring forward’. There is also 21 percent decrease in the number of he art attacks on the Tuesday in the fall when we ‘fall back’.  The sleep disturbance caused by the spring time change leads researchers to believe a heart attack can be triggered.

Happy Hour can also hurt heart health. Research has found that there is a 72 percent chance of having a heart attack with the first hour of consumptions. This is because ingesting alcohol increases blood pressure and heart rate causing the blood to become ‘sticky’ and clot easier. Within 24 hours the risk of heart attack decreases 14 percent. While some types of alcohol may have a beneficial protective effect long tern, it may also cause a temporary spike in heat attack risk. The general rule is to stick to small amounts one drink per day for women and two for men.

Do you have Anger issues? Blowing your top at every little thing makes your heart attack risk skyrocket. A person who is ‘enraged’ has a five-fold increase of risk of a heart attack for two hours after their anger episode. Lowering the intensity and the frequency of anger  is helpful in lowering heart attack risk. Limit physical exercise while angry because intense physical exertion and anger can triple heart attack risk. When dealing with anger it is best to simmer down and relax before using a physical outlet to calm yourself.

Don’t Eat to Late. When it comes to eating your evening meal earlier is better. Researchers have found that if you eat within 2.8 hours of bedtime your blood pressure remains elevated. Eating is believed to release stress hormones which cause your body to be on high alert. This causes your body to remain alert when it should be winding down. To avoid late nigh high blood pressure it is suggested that you identify healthy eating patterns, which include eating earlier in the evening instead of later allowing your blood pressure to decrease before you go to sleep.

Did you get your flu shot? Research has shown that there is a 50 percent decrease in the chance of having a heart attack in the year following getting the shot as opposed to those who don’t get the vaccine. So the flu shoot protects you from more than just the virus. Research has shown that the flu vaccine increases antibodies causing molecular processes that protect the heart. By getting the flu vaccine you are getting double protection against the flu virus and a heart attack.

There are other causes that usually aren’t heard about such as a weak hand grip, adult asthma, migraines with aura and certain heart burn medications that can also increase the risk of heart attack. So eating earlier being less anger, getting a flu shoot, limiting alcohol and getting extra sleep during ‘Spring forward’ can help reduce the risk and feel better overall.

How much does a heart attack cost?  $38,501

Recent estimates suggest that cardiovascular disease costs the United States $110 billion annually. The average cost to traditional health insurers for the first 90 days following a heart attack is $38,501